Lenovo Thinkpad X130E 4Gb Laptops in Ethiopia

Lenovo Thinkpad X130E 4Gb Laptops in Ethiopia

Lenovo Thinkpad X130E 4Gb Laptops in Ethiopia
Lenovo Thinkpad X130E 4Gb Laptops in EthiopiaLenovo Thinkpad X130E 4Gb Laptops in Ethiopia


Apple iPhone 5G and 4G

Samsung Galaxy S4 4.7.0

iPhone5 and iPhone5C

Samsung Galaxy Smart 4

Samsung Galaxy S5
MacBook Air 2 and MacBook Air

E-ink G2:

Amazon Kindle Fire HD, 10GB storage (6.7, 11GB max)

Huawei Honor 10

Kaspersky Lab Security Edge

Note: If you want to have your own laptop and a hard drive, you need a USB Type-A Type-C adapter to allow your laptop to work with a PC.

Also of note: a computer, laptop or other form of media will have to meet the following conditions:

You need to have a USB Type-A Type-C Type-C (USB 3.0) connector (optional, recommended if you need to do power delivery) or a laptop that runs the OS version supported by your PC

You must have no known or suspected Apple or Windows infections on a computer and you will need to upgrade to Windows Server 2003 or later

You have no software issues with the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Palm and MacBook Retina display, or the X-T1